Summer Re-Cap

It’s been a while! I had to reread my last post so I could remember where I left off. The last time I wrote, a lot had changed in my life, and yet again, even more changes have been happening! I’m very thankful to God that they have all been good and exciting changes. Here’s a re-cap of my summer!


It is the end of September now, which means we have been living in our new home for about four months and it’s been a dream! There are still little things here and there that we are working on (like landscaping) but honestly the to-do list never really ends when it comes to a home. But overall, its basically finished and I have been working hard on making it a home inside while Brett works his magic outside making this place our dream home & property! With it finally being fall, we would love to plant some trees on the property soon. We didn’t have many trees at all at our old house so it’s something I am very excited to finally have!


About a week after we moved in, we had our family and friends over to celebrate Morgan turning 3! His party was construction themed (of course) making it his “Dirty Third-y” party. I cannot believe he’s 3… but what is equally unbelievable is that Kylie is 9.5 months old now! She has been determined to walk lately and is basically running behind her walker. It won’t be long until she is fully walking! She’s a confident gal! Confident, yet very dependent on her mama still. I will say that in the past 3 weeks, she’s become more independent and is able to stay busy and happy for longer bursts of time without being held by me. She’s a smiley girl and her smile is extra cute these days because about mid-July, her first [two] teeth came in, and she’s currently got 3 teeth + 2 more that are popping through!

Morgan and Kylie love being around each other and play really well together. M gets so excited when Kylie wakes up from her naps and he will run into our bedroom to see her. Her favorite place to be is in her brother’s room and she will crawl in there all by herself. This summer I finally completed her room which I was very excited about since I never did get to decorate a nursery for her in our old house before moving into my parents’ house. *Mental note to write a post about her room!* It’s dreamy!


In June, Brett and I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary! We decided to celebrate by staying in rather than going out. The kids went to Brett’s mom’s for the evening! Funny how once you have kids, an enjoyable night sometimes means just being home in the peace and quiet rather than going out on the town!


In August, we sold our toyhauler camper and purchased a motorhome. A motorhome was enticing to us because it would make traveling with a toddler and baby much easier, and it has! Our first outing in the MH was to Colorado. My family rented a house in Colorado together but we went out a couple days early to spend some time with our little family in our new home-away-from-home. The trip overall was a lot of fun and we deemed the motorhome’s maiden voyage as a success! Our second trip in it was to the races back in August and we will actually be taking it to the races again this coming weekend!


Another big life change lately has been my career change. After 7 years as a first grade teacher, we decided that I should stay home with Morgan and Kylie while they are young! I have dreamed my whole life of being a stay-at-home mom so once we made the decision (which was during my maternity leave), it was truly a dream come true. It has been kind of a hard adjustment and pretty mentally draining but that was to be expected. It’s been a few months yet I’m still trying to figure out a schedule that works for us! I would love to create a post about SAHM life someday when I feel like my head is above water LOL

My hope is that this little “update” post gets me back into blogging more often. It’s funny, I thought that by staying home, I would have more time to focus on my hobbies, but somehow I feel like I have LESS time. My only opportunity is after 8:30pm, and whether or not my eyes can stay open that late is a toss-up! 9pm cup of coffee it is!

About The Author

Paige Houchen

Sharing about life, love, home, & everything in between – and taking far too many pictures of it all!

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