Summer Night at the Fair

Growing up, my family attended the Missouri State Fair nearly every year. I LOVE going. Walking through the tunnel to enter the fair is probably one of my favorite memories of childhood because of what was on the other side. Brett and I decided to leave right after work last night to meet up with my family for Morgan’s 3rd trip to The Fair himself!

Always, my favorite part about the fair is the animals. M does seem to be an animal lover like his mama, but I think his favorite part is seeing all the heavy equipment! After visiting the pigs (my fav), we walked towards the goats but not without stopping to “relax” inside an excavator bucket and to make several trips sliding up and down a dump trailer with his cousin, Dawson!

When I actually ask Morgan what his favorite part of the fair was, though, he says GOATS! Now that I think back on it, he did have a really good time with the goats. That may be because I let him climb on the fence to reach a big, sweet goat!

On our way to the cow and horse barns, we stopped by some more machinery that M wanted to climb on. Then, you can’t go to a fair without eating fair food!

By the time we got to the cow and horse barns, many of them were gone for the evening. We were afraid the petting zoo we were hoping to see would be closed but we made it in time and it was a hit with the little boys and us girls, too! The boys were able to feed deer, cows, a ZEBRA, and the cutest little days-old goats. I can’t forget to mention that Morgan, my sister, and I rode the camel right by the petting zoo! My sister and I were talking about how it felt familiar to sit on the camel because we had done it when we were younger.

We did end up finding a few cows and horses to see and that’s about where our night at the fair ended. It was getting late and we still had to get our little boy home to bed!

I am so relieved we found the time to make it to the fair this year. The next couple days were out of the question because of the heat! I am already looking forward to next year!

About The Author

Paige Houchen

Sharing about life, love, home, & everything in between – and taking far too many pictures of it all!