Pregnancy Q+A

I have been loving the questions I get about pregnancy lately! I think it is partly because I kept it a secret until I was 14 weeks along and wanted to talk about my pregnancy that whole time but couldn’t – and now the beans have been spilled and I love talking about it.

A couple days ago I posted a question sticker asking for any questions that were pregnancy-related so I could answer them in a blog post, so here they are! Some questions were from Instagram, some are questions I have been asked in person, and others are ones I made up that are just fun to answer!

How far along are you?

Tomorrow I will be 15 weeks exactly!

Do you know the gender? Are you doing a gender reveal?

Yes! When I was asked this question on Instagram, we knew the gender but were not telling our second secret quite yet because I wanted to do a pregnancy announcement/gender reveal with them before it was put out there. We did not do a gender reveal for family and friends other than just telling them or posting it on Facebook/Instagram. We didn’t want the attention of a reveal party and also what if the reveal (whether it be a cake, balloon, firework, etc.) were the wrong color!? I have seen it happen and it sounds like a nightmare! We wanted to hear directly from the nurse what our baby is.

Now that the classroom gender reveal is over, I can say: WE ARE HAVING A BABY BOY! We found out the gender the day before Thanksgiving (the day before we announced we were pregnant) after doing the qnatal blood test the week before.

Were you trying or was it an unexpected blessing? How long did it take?

Yes, we were trying! Our wishes were to start trying immediately after our wedding at the beginning of June, but we had to wait until a certain medication was completely out of my system before trying. As soon as my doctor gave us the okay, we began trying and we became pregnant in the second month! We feel extremely blessed to have gotten pregnant when we did. We understand that it does not always happen that easily and rest assured, we are so grateful to God for allowing us such a gift. I pray every night for those who struggle to conceive and think about them all the time! I wish it could be this way for every hopeful mom-to-be. I will not stop praying for you!

Best reaction from friends/family?

Of course every reaction is great when you are telling such special news to friends and family!

Brett reacted about the same way I did – like, “Woah, we are actually pregnant?!” I was a little more in shock than he was considering I second guess everything. I was thinking, “Well, maybe all 3 of these pregnancy tests are just wrong. Maybe my ‘feeling’ of being pregnant is just wishful thinking. Maybe my morning sickness is just in my head.” I was/am clearly pregnant, I know, so I was totally being ridiculous. šŸ˜‰

Brett’s mom cried because she was so happy!

When I told my family, they were totally surprised. So I think the best reaction, because it was funny, was my mom’s because she said, “I was NOT expecting that!” To be honest, part of me wasn’t expecting it, either!

When is your due date?

May 26th – right at the end of the school year. A teacher’s dream!

How did you find out? How did you tell Brett?

I feel so lame explaining this part because I was so in-shock and excited about our news that I didn’t even tell Brett in a cute way!

We had been using the Ovia fertility tracker app, so I was tracking everything and it told me exactly when I should take a pregnancy test. I was so excited to take it that I basically was running a countdown and telling Brett how many days we had until I took the test (LOL) so he knew that day that I would be taking it. This was one of the main reasons why I didn’t wait to tell him!

So I took the test and was waiting for the results while Brett was in the living room watching tv (he didn’t know I was taking the test at that exact time). I could hardly believe I was actually seeing the second blue line show up! I thought maybe I was looking at it at a weird angle so I was leaning all over to get a different view of it, haha! No matter the view, there was no denying the result. So then I was standing in the bathroom wondering if I should play it off until I found a cute way to reveal it or if I should just tell him! I decided that 1. there was no way I could hide my excitement (I wear my heart on my sleeve) any longer than the next few seconds, 2. I knew he would eventually ask me about taking a pregnancy test that day, and 3. I still was in disbelief of the results so I needed some reassurance that it was REAL, so I made the decision to tell him!

So I walked into the living room and was like, “Uhh, do you wanna see something or do you not?” Yeah, I’m not the best with words especially not when my emotions are all over the place! He said sure, so I showed him and the next thing I knew I was spinning around in Brett’s arms because we were so happy. To be honest I think we were also both thinking, “What did we just do?!” šŸ˜‰

What baby names do you like?

We had been discussing baby names before we even got pregnant and at one point, we were settled on both a girl name and a boy name! Now, we are thinking extra hard about the boy name and still discussing. I would like to keep the names to ourselves, though, for now!

What symptoms do you have?

Currently, I do not have many symptoms that stand out to me, other than getting an upset stomach sometimes after I eat and also lots of bloating! I do not currently have any cravings, but cereal does sound super yummy pretty often.

I would say my most consistent “symptom” so far that stands out a lot to me is my aversion to coffee, which I have mentioned in a post before. I love the smell of it, but the thought of drinking it makes me green! I can’t wait to get back to my coffee-obsessed self.

In past weeks, I had symptoms such as cramps and nausea (the worst two of all my symptoms), and loss + gain of appetite. I did crave things that normally I would not want (sweets and purple Gatorade) and sometimes those same things became aversions a few days later! At times, it was hard for me to cook meals, especially chicken, because I was feeling sick and I did not want to even think about food.

Oh, I don’t know how I could forget about this symptom – FATIGUE. Oh my goodness, I was SO tired. I still am, really. I probably will be throughout my whole pregnancy because I am naturally a tired person, always! It doesn’t help that I am on the anemic side AND I haven’t been drinking coffee

Luckily, I am now in the second trimester, so I heard many of those annoying symptoms disappear soon! Still waiting on my energy + motivation to appear…

I have found that I really enjoy answering questions that other pregnant mamas and mamas-to-be have for me and I so appreciate those who offer their advice and listening ears to me, as well!

This without-a-doubt a huge stage in life and a FUN one too. I can’t wait to take it on with Brett!


About The Author

Paige Houchen

Sharing about life, love, home, & everything in between – and taking far too many pictures of it all!


  1. Momma Jenn | 2nd Dec 20

    Love this! Every part of it. Love you.

    • Paige Houchen | 4th Dec 20

      Thank you! Love you!

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