Lately in Life

I am sitting here on the couch with my glass (okay, bottle) of wine on a Tuesday night. Morgan is in bed, evening pumping session done, supper and dishes put away… I was contemplating going to bed despite it only being 8 o’clock. Then I remembered how I hadn’t written a blog post in a…

Morgan’s First Christmas

There was a whole new take on Christmas this year for our little family – Morgan’s first ever Christmas and Brett’s and my first ever Christmas as parents! It is hard to beat the happiness of being young at this time of year and anticipating Santa and all the gifts he would bring, but I will…

Happy Half Birthday, Baby!

I spent my entire Saturday & Sunday with Morgan and I couldn’t imagine a better weekend! As a working mom, evenings alone don’t allow me the time I wish I had with my baby, so weekends are even more important than they used to be. And oh, have they changed! I can still [kind of] relax…

Dear Son

Dear Son, You have shown me just how amazing God is, because he made you more perfect than I ever could have dreamed. Your teeny features.. your eyelashes, creases of your feet, your lips… so perfectly designed. From the beginning, you have been capable of amazing things. You showed your strength in the first hours you were born; lifting…

Last Minute Meal Plan

If you haven’t planned your meals for the week or made your grocery pickup order, I got you! Typically, I like to plan what Brett and I will be eating for the week on Saturday, then go pick up the ingredients on Sunday. However, this past week I did not make ANY meal plans because last weekend was…

Morgan Grey is 2 Months Old

I am sitting here sipping (okay, inhaling) coconut coffee after a rough night with Morgan and thinking back on the past 2 months of our lives. If you are a mama as well, you don’t need me to tell you how fast time flies, I am sure you already know. But I have experienced it for myself and…