Finishing Touches

For 5.5 months I dreamed of the day we could start the most fun process of all when it comes to building/buying a house – d e c o r a t i n g ! Brett and I both love the farmhouse look and our former homes were decorated that way, so we already owned a lot of…

Pantry Overhaul

Okay, so we have only been in our home for about two months now and although the visible spaces in our home are super tidy, I am embarrassed how messy some of our closets and cupboards already are (I take the blame). Does anyone else have a space in their home where things that don’t quite have their…

Meals for Marriage

My soon-to-be sister, Mikalah, arranged a night where the ladies in the family would get together at the home of a Kansas City culinarian for a private dinner. At this dinner, she would cook for and entertain us while providing cooking advice and good conversation. Sounds amazing, right? I was beyond excited for this evening. We arrived and…

Showered with Love & Lace

I did not expect to have any bridal showers, but my sister and soon-to-be sister insisted on doing something to celebrate me finding the love of my life, and they both went above and beyond what I ever could have imagined! They each threw me a shower a week apart, so I have been very spoiled lately and…

Hello Again, Date Night

The corona craziness hasn’t been too bad to me because I like being at home and doing things on my own as it is, but WOW, I missed date nights! I was talking to Brett this morning about how it may be hard to make reservations at restaurants since they are only partly opening up to the public. It…

Home Build Part 2

Once our house was framed, we were excited that the next step was putting up the drywall. Walls meant paint, which meant the start of picking out all the fun things for the house! The process of building a home can be chaotic because at times there are subcontractors working on different parts of the house at one time, so…