Our Two Year Anniversary

Two years ago, on June 6, was one of the best (and hottest) days of our lives. I remember being unusually calm that day, and so ready to marry the love of my life. Brett had stayed the night before our wedding with his buddies in our camper at the lake while my sister stayed the night with me. My sister and I woke up the morning of the wedding and sat in the living room drinking coffee & talking, waiting for our hair + makeup gals to arrive.

I didn’t do a big wedding party – all I needed was my sister by my side – so hair & makeup didn’t take long and made for a pretty laid-back day. I wasn’t picky about details for the day, and didn’t even have much of an agenda for the day. I wanted our wedding day to be relaxed and simple, and it was. Honestly, I didn’t know the plan for walking down the aisle and how the actual ceremony was going to go – I asked the priest about 5 minutes before walking out the door what I should expect!

I am the type of person that worries about every little thing, but on this day, I wasn’t worried about much (except for the heat and knowing Brett was definitely going to be miserably sweaty)! I just wanted to finally be married to Brett. We had both waited so long to find happiness and we didn’t want to wait any longer!

Our ceremony was small, about 50 people, closest family + friends. We were married under a big tree at my parents’ house, one that I played underneath when I was little. Despite being a Catholic ceremony, the ceremony was short & sweet. Afterwards, we took a few pictures, signed our marriage license, and headed to the reception hall where we met up with more family and friends to help celebrate!

Here are a few of my favorite pictures from our day.

It’s been two very quick years and a lot has changed in our lives! When we first got married, our house was brand new and it was just the two of us living here with our four dogs. Well, now we have a home filling with memories we’ve made AND we have a sweet baby boy, now!

To celebrate our anniversary, Brett built a couple raised beds for me that I had told him I would love to fill with flowers and some veggies & herbs. We put them next to my chickens and it’s a pretty cute little setup!

June 6 this year was a Monday, but I like to celebrate on our actually anniversary rather than the weekend before, so we went to The Capital Grille on The Plaza that night. Brett and I much prefer the country over the city, but he knows I love getting dressed up for a night in the city and feelin’ all fancy!

The server asked if we were there for any special occasion, and he brought out a sweet anniversary setup when I told him we were celebrating two years together. He even brought us a complimentary dessert that was *almost* too pretty to eat.

One of my favorite things about the plaza is their multi-level Barnes & Noble, so Brett knew I would want to go there. We went in with about 20 minutes to shop before heading home to our sweet baby boy!

With how fast these first two years have gone by, a lifetime still just doesn’t seem long enough with you, Brett!

About The Author

Paige Houchen

Sharing about life, love, home, & everything in between – and taking far too many pictures of it all!