Our Boys

Brett and I are parents of FOUR dogs. Yes, they are a handful!

I thought it would be fun to make a post all about our fur babies! Four different dogs means four different personalities and that can be a lot to handle – but we wouldn’t want it any other way. Here is a little bit about our boys…

Lap Dog: Barley

Sweetest: Brewsky

Orneriest: Shep

Toughest: Bentley

Most Loyal: Bentley and Brewsky

Most Confident: Barley and Shep

Best Eyes: Brewsky

Ladies’ Man: Barley

Most Athletic: Shep

Shiest: Brewsky

Loudest Snorer: Brewsy

Biggest Beggar: Barley


Bentley is the leader of the dogs. He has been with Brett through college and beyond and is such a loyal boy. He enjoys getting his brothers all riled up at a game of fetch but letting them do the dirty work. He is a tough guy but has a soft heart and will give you those puppy dog eyes to get what he wants. He loves his brothers but needs special time with his mama and daddy. He is 11 and missing lots of teeth, which lets his tongue stick out of his mouth!


Barley is the cool, calm, and collected type. His favorite human is his Guggie (Brett’s mom) but he allows us to feed and house him. He sometimes doesn’t know his size (his 140 lbs are on my lap as I type this) and insists on being in your space 100% of the time. He doesn’t know a stranger and will smile at you if he is really excited. He is 8 years old and very wise but can be a big ole baby! He has the best personality of all the dogs and if he were human he would be the guy everyone wants to know.


Brewsky has the biggest heart but is an anxious boy so he will only show his sweet side when you have proven he can trust you. He enjoys being with his daddy (he and Brett have a special bond), jumping on beds even though his mom does NOT allow it, and watching from the sidelines as his brother, Barley, gets into shenanigans. His pet peeves are having his paws touched, when his food bowl is empty, and when Shepherd gets in his space. His eyes are the prettiest icy green and he has facial expressions that will make you laugh. He is the goodest boy of them all in that he listens the best! It is hard to get pictures of just him because he is usually right alongside Barls.


Shepherd… the most ornery dog you have ever met. The best way to describe Shep is that he is like a sour patch candy; sour, then sweet. His best buddy is Barley (because he is ornery, too) and his hobbies include ripping squeakers out of toys, playing with his blue ball, and stealing your spot when you get up for a second. He has extreme hatred toward rules but is a very smart boy! Shep also throws tantrums at night when he is sleepy like a little kid. He is sweetest in the morning and at night when he wants to snuggle!

We sure love our boys!

About The Author

Paige Houchen

Sharing about life, love, home, & everything in between – and taking far too many pictures of it all!