Our Baby Boy is ONE

I rocked my son – my baby – a little longer tonight, held him a little tighter, and stared at his sweet face a little longer. I try to always be mindful when I hold Morgan, to soak in every moment with him, but tonight I really took the time to soak it in because tomorrow, he’s not considered a baby anymore – he’s a toddler.

My mama heart can’t take it!

A year ago tomorrow, I held my sweet boy to my chest for the first time as he needed comfort from his mama. Tonight, I needed comfort from him as I hung onto him tight, because as excited as I am for this next stage in his life, it’s hard to let go of the stage he is in and accept that he is growing up – and so FAST.

I know he is still young and needs me, but with age comes more independence and I just want him to always need some time with his mama!

I am hoping I get all my emotions out tonight, because tomorrow, it’s party time!! And I want to just have some fun with my baby!

Our little cowboy will have his family there to celebrate his big day and I couldn’t ask for more.

I hope our sweet, charming, ornery, fun-loving, thrill-seeking, independent little man has the greatest day and knows how much he is loved.

I love you so much Morgan Grey!

Shelby Lynn took Morgan’s 1-Year pictures and she really knocked it out of the park yet again! Enjoy!

About The Author

Paige Houchen

Sharing about life, love, home, & everything in between – and taking far too many pictures of it all!