My Hope for the New Year

I am not very good at sticking to goals for the new year. I get impatient and often end up setting aside some of my long-term goals and resolutions – 365 days can be a long time to hold yourself to something! I am more of a short-term goal kind of gal at times.

What I find does last for me, however, are my hopes. So, instead of resolutions & goals this year, I am focusing on my hopes.

Many things in life can be controlled and can be reached with a “go out and get it” attitude, but some things are simply up to God. One particular hope that has been no. 1 on my heart lately is one that can be “helped along,” but is ultimately God’s timing. That is, conceiving a baby.

Long before getting pregnant was on my mind, I thought it was easy for everyone to get pregnant and that it was uncommon to struggle to conceieve – and I thought surely it could not happen to me.

After hearing about many trying mamas struggling with conception and watching someone very close to me go through the physical and emotional pain of the same struggle, I realized it is a fairly common, very real thing. A thing that could very well happen to me.

Like with most things, I over-thought, stressed, and worried myself into believing I was definitely going to struggle as well. You know, those thoughts that don’t do a bit of good for anyone, nor change any outcome.

Fast forward to the time it came for Brett and I to start trying to conceive, and luckily, all went well and I became pregnant on the second try.

When I found out we were pregnant, I was of course, so excited and grateful! But honestly, another emotion I felt was guilt. It was so easy for me… why couldn’t it be that easy for the other women who want and deserve to become a mom?

Just as I thank God every day for giving us such a gift, I think about those women who struggle with infertility every day, too, and they make it into my prayers every night as well.

So, back to the point of my post…

My hope for 2021 is that those women struggling with infertility are blessed with the gift of conceiving, having a baby, or coming closer to having a baby this year.

I know there are only so many times their heart can stand others saying “Try this and that,” “It’ll happen in time,” “Stop worrying about it,” and so on. I think rather than advice, they need HOPE.

Not only hope from themselves, but hope from you – their friends and family!

If you know someone struggling, whether they make it known or you maybe just suspect it, let them know you are thinking of them and praying for them. Save your advice (unless they ask for it), and just be there for them.

Hope goes a long way!

To all you mamas out there trying, I am hoping and praying for a healthy pregnancy for you in the near future!


About The Author

Paige Houchen

Sharing about life, love, home, & everything in between – and taking far too many pictures of it all!