Morgan’s First Christmas

There was a whole new take on Christmas this year for our little family – Morgan’s first ever Christmas and Brett’s and my first ever Christmas as parents! It is hard to beat the happiness of being young at this time of year and anticipating Santa and all the gifts he would bring, but I will have to say that being a parent at Christmas is pretty amazing.

Last year’s holiday card was our announcement picture and this year the focus was just on our little man wishing family and friends “Happy Holidays!” It was also so special to hang THREE stockings this year on the mantle!

Of course Morgan doesn’t know yet what the holiday season is all about, and he enjoyed the paper, ribbons, and bows a little more than the toys wrapped inside, it was incredible to watch him experience it all.

A few weeks ago, Morgan met Santa! I am sure once he gets a little older he will be somewhat afraid of Santa/strangers if he’s anything like his mom LOL but for now he was okay with the bearded man with a furry suit holding him! He may or may not have tugged on his beard a couple times.

Santa brought Morgan a John Deere tractor that he LOVES and plays with all the time. Santa knows just what he likes!

On Christmas Eve Morning, Brett, Morgan, and I went to a breakfast place that we will go to every Christmas Eve as a tradition of our own. Three years ago I requested a breakfast date and so Brett made it happen. The year after that, we were engaged and the next year we were a married & expecting couple! This year we had our baby with us making it a VERY special start of our fourth year together.

The restaurant is well-known for their cinnamon rolls and Morgan enjoyed a couple bites! That day was also the first time he had ever sat in a highchair at a restaurant. Typically when we take him out to eat, it’s a fight to keep him calm and quiet, but that morning he was great and it made for the perfect start to Christmas weekend.

That evening, we went to Mass and we were a little nervous about this because Morgan is a very busy little body and can get LOUD. A big, echo-y yet quiet Catholic church is a little intimidating to bring our little man into, and it was his first time ever going to church, too! He squirmed the entire time and didn’t much like sitting still for so long. Luckily, we purposely sat in the very back row by the doors in case we needed to stand up with him or to walk him outside. We took turns holding him and keeping him busy by the windows almost the entire time until I carried him to Communion with me. It was so special to me to get to take him up to the priest with me!

After church, it was time to get into our comfy clothes and head to Brett’s family’s get together! This is where Morgan impressed me with his unwrapping skills. He loved the paper! He was spoiled with farm toys and race cars – two things we imagine he will grow up loving!

Christmas Morning was slow and relaxing as Brett and I opened gifts from each other and watched Morgan open his. They won’t always be this way so we took it in! In a couple years from now, Morgan will be waking US up to open gifts rather than the other way around and we will be playing Santa in the middle of the night. It makes me think that I eventually want to make it a tradition to bake cookies to leave out for Santa (Brett) to eat!

Later that day, we went to my grandparents’ house for our traditional crab leg dinner! It was different this year because this is the first Christmas my grandparents are in a different house. Ever since I was born (and even way before that), Christmas was held at the home they had lived in for years and years. Where Christmas is held isn’t as important as who is with you though, and we had the entire family on my mom’s side there!

Morgan enjoyed some crab legs, too!

The next morning was my immediate family Christmas and what better way to start it off than apple cider mimosas?! My parents also had a fire going which made it such a perfect morning. My mom always makes Christmas breakfast and then we open gifts.

It was so fun to watch Morgan and his cousin Dawson open their presents – after their morning nap, of course.

Morgan was a little grumpy that morning but ripping open some presents cheered him up some!

I am already excited for next Christmas is a little closer to knowing what Christmas is about and to watch him get SO excited to see his cousins and open gifts!

I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and have the happiest New Year!

About The Author

Paige Houchen

Sharing about life, love, home, & everything in between – and taking far too many pictures of it all!