Patting myself on the back currently because I got Kylie girl down for a nap! It’s getting harder and harder to do lately…gone are the days where she is awake for 5 minutes before snoozing again and same goes for her being able to fall asleep in any location!
Believe it or not, BOTH kids are down for a nap right now so I am taking this rare opportunity to catch my followers up on my life because a lot has happened in the last couple months!
Almost 2 months ago now, our sweet Kylie was born! Her checkup is on Valentine’s Day next week and it’s pretty hard to believe how she’s that old already. I feel that I have soaked up my time with my baby well, but it’s still bittersweet for them to grow no matter how present you are. A couple days ago I packed away her newborn clothes which I knew would be a little sad, but I dried my tears with some bigger clothes for her from Target. 😉 She is beginning to smile and just today we were studying each other’s faces and I was able to make her smile at me. Little does she know, she was smiling at her very best friend. She may be a little cranky during the day/ evening, but she sleeps like a dream and for that, Brett and I are forever thankful! Morgan was always a poor sleeper but even he has improved his sleep habits, so we all get pretty good sleep at night.
This past week, Ky and I had 5 days of one-on-one time while Brett and Morgan flew to Florida for the dirt track races. Taking care of a baby all on your own is hard enough, but add her coming down with a cold and let’s just say I was more than ready for the week to be over! But she wasn’t sick for too long and I was able to enjoy the rest of the week just the two of us. Brett and Morgan came home yesterday and today we are doing things around the house and then plan to watch the Chiefs play in the Superbowl tonight!
I had mentioned a lot has happened in the past couple months, with Kylie’s arrival being one of them. Another change has been moving out of our home of 4 years and into my parents’ while our forever home is being built! We said goodbye to our home of many “firsts” on January 20th. Our last night actually staying there was the 10th, and we shared some champagne to celebrate ending one chapter of life and beginning another. It was weird and sad to leave our home, but knowing what’s ahead in our lives made it a little easier. One of the hardest parts emotionally for me has been when Morgan tells me he wants to go home. It has to be such a hard concept for a 2-year-old to understand, but honestly I think he gets it for the most part, that we won’t be going back to that home because we will have a new home. It is also helpful that he can physically see our home being built now. In the beginning, we were telling him about our new house but all it was was a big open field so I am sure he was confused!
The other hardest part emotionally about where we are in the process is just the change. Everything happening in our lives is wonderful change, but for someone who doesn’t handle change well (whether good or bad), it’s just been hard. To have a new baby and also not have a place that is “ours” anymore, and then to also not be teaching while on maternity leave, I almost just don’t even feel like myself anymore. We are very grateful to be able to live at my parents’ house and for it to somewhat feel like home (since it literally was my home lol) but I am so excited for the house to be finished and to begin the next chapter of our lives!
Like I said, I am on maternity leave until March 18th, so I haven’t been teaching. I thought I would be so immersed in Kylie and Morgan while on leave that I wouldn’t even think about work, but I have to admit, I MISS IT! I miss my students a lot but I think mostly I miss my routine and being on a schedule. Luckily, I am close with my long-term sub and see her often, so she catches me up on things going on at school and I have even been able to go there to visit a couple times now. On Wednesday I will be attending their Valentine’s Day party and leading a game for them. I did NOT want to miss the party for my favorite holiday! Every year for Valentine’s Day, I host a rose exchange where I have the boys give a rose to the girls and I don’t want to skip doing that either – this will be the 7th year doing it! Although, I think this year I will just give the girls their rose myself to make it more simple. I may also visit them on the 100th day of school next week because the 100th day is a really big deal. 😉
My date of return for work is supposed to be March 11th, but that is our school’s Spring Break so I will return the following week which luckily enough is a teacher work day! Once I go back, it should be just about one month before the house is done, then it’ll be about one more month until school is out for the summer! Lots to look forward to in life and I could not be more excited but more importantly, I am GRATEFUL for what God has in store.
Sharing about life, love, home, & everything in between – and taking far too many pictures of it all!