January Photo Challenge

I love monthly photography challenges. They are so fun! Sometimes I will go searching for challenges but I can be picky about which ones I want to actually participate in. I decided a good way to find a challenge I like is to make one myself!

If you would like to participate in my photo challenge on Instagram, use hashtag #paigehouchenphotochallenge or tag me @paige_houchen so I can follow along with what you post!


Day 1: Fresh Start

What is something you have done today to make 2021 (or even just today) a fresh start?

Day 2: Winter Decor

Do you decorate your home for each season? I don’t decorate with very many items for winter, but I like to think “white” when it comes to my decor. Love the brightness!

Day 3: Cozy

What makes you feel cozy? Blankets, candles, fireplace, and a hot drink come to my mind!

Day 4: Winter Drink

A day intended to give hot winter drinks the recognition they deserve, whether it be a latte, hot toddy, or chai tea!

Day 5: Organization

Anyone add “get organized” to their list of 2021 goals? I love organizing things, but I could be even better. I am using this photo challenge day as motivation to re-organize my pantry!

Day 6: Travel

I love traveling in the winter (because usually it’s to someplace warm). Maybe you have a photo to post of a recent travel experience or maybe Covid has you reminiscing about your last vacation. Either way, post a photo!

Day 7: Work Life

If you’re a teacher like me, you’ve likely just recently gotten back to work!Whether you like it or not, your work place is like your second home. What’s your work life look like?

Day 8: Memories

This could be any memory! Maybe it’s a picture of your fav childhood memory, one with friends in college, remembering a loved one, or a memory from when life was normal (pre-Covid). Post one that makes you happy!

Day 9: Gratitude

No matter who you are, you have so much to be grateful for. Sow us what you’re grateful for today!

Day 10: Sunday Mornin’

What are your plans today? Sleeping in? Church? Cooking breakfast?Planning for the week ahead?

Day 11: Verse

I love sharing my fav bible verses. Which one(s) speak to you?

Day 12: Weather

Snowy, icy, sunny, cloudy…find a creative way to take a picture of whatever the day looks like!

Day 13: OOTD

Show off your outfit of the day!

Day 14: Fur Babies

Who doesn’t like dog pictures? Okay, or cats. If you aren’t blessed with fur children, surely you know someone who is! SHOW US.

Day 15: Currently Reading

If you’re like me, you’ll have lots of books you could post because you have started about 6 and not finished any of them. šŸ˜‰ Everyone could use some book recommendations for winter!

Day 16: What’s Cookin’

What’s for breakfast, lunch, or supper? Extra points if you have a cute table setup for your meal.

Day 17: Let’s Stay Home

I am already thinking ahead to this day and I know it’s going to be a (somewhat) lazy one! What are you doing at home today?

Day 18: To-Do List

Is your Monday a productive one where you’re crossing things off your list left and right? Those are the best days. What do you have on your to-do list? I don’t know why but I think it’s fun to see what others’ daily tasks are!

Day 19: S/O (Significant other)

We are all proud of our hunnies and want to brag about them every chance we get. Now is your chance!

Day 20: Small Biz

Do you own a small business? Tell us about it! Do you have a fav small business to shop at? Tell us about that, too! I love hearing about small businesses. Instagram is a great way to advertise them! I can already think of a few I will be posting about on this day.

Day 21: Advice

What is your fav piece of advice that has been given to you? What is great advice that you like to give others? I won’t judge on whether you take your own advice or not. šŸ˜‰

Day 22: Photographer

A lot like the small biz post, show us who your favorite photographers are! Maybe they have photographed you or maybe they are your dream photographer that you hope to book a session with someday. I see people all the time asking for photographer recommendations (myself included), so now is a great opportunity to show everyone their options.

Day 23: Front Door

Everyone’s front door is unique – show us yours!

Day 24: Roots

What makes you proud of where you came from?

Day 25: Productivity

What have you accomplished today?

Day 26: Project

Any projects that you are currently working on?

Day 27: Shopping

Been doing any shopping lately, whether it be in-person or online? Find any good deals or must-haves?

Day 28: Active

How do you stay active? Yoga? Jogging? Running errands?

Day 29: Home Decor

I love home decor, so I can’t wait to see yours!

Day 30: Date

Been on any dates lately? Movie nights at home count, too!

Day 31: Mirror

Everyone loves a good mirror selfie.

I hope January is good to you all!


About The Author

Paige Houchen

Sharing about life, love, home, & everything in between – and taking far too many pictures of it all!