Dear Son

Dear Son,

You have shown me just how amazing God is, because he made you more perfect than I ever could have dreamed.

Your teeny features.. your eyelashes, creases of your feet, your lips… so perfectly designed.

From the beginning, you have been capable of amazing things.

You showed your strength in the first hours you were born; lifting your head and looking your daddy square in the face just hours after I brought you into this world.

My voice brought you comfort from the start. You had heard me read story after story, day after day, while you were inside me. Being able to calm you with the sound of my voice, and the comfort I brought you by holding you, made me feel so special. I am your person!

Six months later, this all still stands true. Forever, you will amaze me!

How can I have made someone so perfect?

The way your smile lights up your entire face shows me that you will be, and are, a joy to be around.

Your tenacity and solemnity remind me of your daddy. Your stubbornness does, too. To know you two, is to love you!

Every little thing you do, deserves to be in the headlines, in my opinion.

Proud is an understatement when it comes to even the “smallest” accomplishments. Just looking into your eyes, the ones you got from me, makes me proud to be your mama.

When you look at me, I can tell you admire me. It’s like you are proud of me, too! We are both in new stages of our lives, after all. We are in this together.

You have already accomplished so much in your first six months of life.

Rolling over, giggling, making noises, putting yourself to sleep, trying cereal. Now you are nearly sitting up and will be crawling any day now.

As much as I cannot wait to see you grow up and turn into the prodigious man I know you will be, I wish you could stay my baby forever.

I hope you always look into my big blue eyes with your big blue eyes with the admiration you do now. I will always look at you that way!

Love you,


Photography by Shelby Lynn Studios

About The Author

Paige Houchen

Sharing about life, love, home, & everything in between – and taking far too many pictures of it all!


  1. Linda Kurzweil | 17th Nov 21

    Paige, you are truly a Mother. So eloquently put into words what most mothers feel. Keep writing you feelings. Love you,Gram! 🥰

    • Paige Houchen | 21st Nov 21

      Thank you Gram! Love you! 🙂

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