Life Lately

Patting myself on the back currently because I got Kylie girl down for a nap! It’s getting harder and harder to do lately…gone are the days where she is awake for 5 minutes before snoozing again and same goes for her being able to fall asleep in any location! Believe it or not, BOTH kids are…

Hey Fall!

Usually I find myself at the end of summer wishing it wouldn’t end quite yet, but this year I was ready for fall weather to be here! I think it was because this summer was so HOT that I was tired of being stuck inside with a very outdoors-loving toddler – we both wanted to be spending…

End of Summer Trip to the Farmstead

Today was my last day of summer break and tomorrow I’m back to being a working gal! No, I am not ready to give up my days with Morgan. Yes, I may be ready for some more routine in my life again, though. With today being my last day, I wanted to do something fun with Morgan, so…

Slow, Stormy Sunday

Today began with and ended with thunder + rain! The storm is disappearing as I type this; I love storms and I always feel disappointed when they pass. THE loudest clap of thunder happened as I was laying with Morgan in his crib just a bit ago and we both jumped! Luckily storms don’t scare him (yet) and I…

(Bitter)Sweet Summertime

When it gets to this point in the summer, when I have about one month left before the school year starts back up, I really get to thinking about making the absolute best of the rest of my time off. This is especially true since having Morgan in my life. I start thinking, I have had a relaxing summer break…

Social Media Fast

I am only a few days into a social media fast and I am already loving it and wanting to tell everyone about it! I know “taking a break” from social media is nothing new, but it is fairly new to me. So this has kind of been a big step for me, one that is proving to…