Becoming Mrs. Houchen

Our big day was everything I could have dreamed of and then some. Ever since the day Brett proposed (actually way before that) I had been ready for the day we would tie the knot, and we had to wait way longer than I had originally wanted, but it was totally worth it.Brett proposed last July and we set the date for June 6th. In January I was almost convinced to move the wedding date sooner – to March or April – but we kept it at the original date because it was just the best time for both Brett and myself to have a wedding. We feel very blessed that we kept it because Covid would have postponed the wedding had we made it even just a little sooner!Anyway, here is a look into the day I fell in love with my dress and the day I became a Mrs.!

My mom and I spent this weekend with my sister and planned to check out a few bridal stores while we were in town. After visiting 2 or 3 stores and having no luck, I was a little disappointed. Monica knew of one more store we could try, but they wouldn’t answer the phone and so we headed back home. A few minutes later the lady at the store called back and said she could squeeze me in for a fitting (lol) and I’m glad she did because that’s where I found “the one!”It was definitely a “when you know, you know” moment and I have never loved a piece of clothing more in my life.

The night before the wedding, Brett spent the night at the lake so my sister stayed at the house with me. We started the next morning the way every morning should be started – with coffee! It was a relaxed morning which was nice to not have to be rushed. The biggest to-do was to steam the dress before hair and makeup started, which quickly turned into an even bigger to-do when we realized our tiny steamers wouldn’t work on the dress and I started to panic a little. Luckily a friend of mine works with wedding dresses and came over with her industrial steamer and worked on the dress while we got our hair and makeup done… she was a l i f e s a v e r!

Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone do your hair + makeup e v e r y day??

Our ceremony site was at my mom and dad’s house under a big tree that I used to play under when I was younger. We used to have a horse and I would feed him leaves from this tree. It made me so happy to be married somewhere that was special to me. I will share in another post the pictures from the ceremony once I get them from the photographer.

We got the boys all dressed up in their bow ties so we had to take a family photo!

Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Houchen!Our reception was at The Lumber Co. which is a cute old building in the town that we live in. Brett’s mom, stepmom, and sisters decorated it for us and it looked amazing. The whole night was everything we had hoped for! Most of the pictures I captured on my phone were of some of the most special moments of the night – the first dances. I am not a dancer whatsoever, so Brett and I practiced dancing to our first dance song in the kitchen a couple times, but that wasn’t nearly enough practice for my two left feet, so no spinning for me! I need lessons from Brett’s mom because they were tearing up the dance floor together. For the father + daughter dance I had to choose a more upbeat song because I did not want to cry and I knew I would with a slow, tear-jerker song!

Brett and his (I mean our! ) niece, Emerson, had e v e r y o n e swooning with their dance!

The best Matron of Honor a girl could ask for.

Our last dance of the night! Has anyone else who has gotten married ever felt like the person they saw the least was their new spouse?! Good thing we have a lifetime together!
The New Mrs. Houchen

About The Author

Paige Houchen

Sharing about life, love, home, & everything in between – and taking far too many pictures of it all!