Baby Dresser Organization

After a lot of searching, Brett and I finally found the perfect dresser to use as a changing table! We were looking for a white farmhouse-style dresser to go along with the rest of our home because someday we may want to use it somewhere else in the house. My mom found one for us online at a boutique in Bonner Springs, KS called The Front Porch at a decent price, so after my Baby Brunch one Saturday, we set out to go pick it up! Once we got there, the color was different than it looked online (go figure) and we decided it wasn’t going to work. However, we both fell in love with a gray dresser we saw right as we walked in the door! It was hard for me to be 100% sold on it at first because I had my heart set on the white one. Also, the wall in our nursery that the dresser would be set against was also gray, and I wasn’t sure the grays would go well together.

Well, it turns out that I absolutely love the dresser in the nursery and I am so glad Brett convinced me that it would look great. Once we got it set up in the nursery, I couldn’t wait to start organizing ALL the baby things inside, especially since my two baby showers were over and I had lots of things to put away!

However, before I did any organizing, I ordered drawer dividers, drawer liner, and clear plastic organizers for the drawer that would contain small items. All were ordered from Amazon. The drawer dividers are so helpful with keeping everything in its place, so I definitely recommend those for ANY drawers you may need organized!

Drawer liner

Clear plastic drawer organizers

Drawer dividers

Honestly, there is no right or wrong way to organize a nursery dresser, but I thought I would share how I organized mine! Some of the drawers are strategic and others are not. Once baby is here and I start using the dresser more often I might even find that I need to move some things around to different drawers to be more convenient!

In the top left drawer, I used the plastic storage containers to separate small items such as medicine, pacifiers, & pacifier clips. I will likely also hold items here that need to be within reach while I am nursing because my rocking chair sits closest to this side of the dresser.

I figured I would need easy access to bibs and burp cloths, so in the next door down is where I placed those along with my multi-use covers and my Tuck & Bundle wrap carrier. Side note: Isn’t Copper Pearl’s buffalo print the cutest!?

The bottom drawer holds his little hats, socks, and pants! The OXO drawers dividers really come in handy inside this drawer because as of now, these teeny items alone don’t take up much room. It’s nice to be able to combine them into one drawer while also keeping them separated.

Obviously, the best drawer for diapers, wipes, and creams would be under the changing pad! My MIL bought the cutest diapers – Honest brand – which will be perfect to use on my son during the hot summer months when I don’t want him sweating in a onesie!

The next drawer down holds his onesies. Newborns are on the far left and 0-3 month onesies fill the other two spaces. Onesies or outfits that are dressier that I don’t want to get wrinkled hang in the closet. Once he grows out of newborn items, I will store them away and make room for 3-6 month clothing!

This bottom drawer will probably be the first to be changed out with something else because it has all my swaddles in it and he won’t need those for a very long time! On the left I have the sleep sacks and then on the right are the regular swaddles. How cute is the farm one!?

I used Pinterest to get an idea of how I wanted to organize things as well as putting into consideration what will make life easier once our little man is here. I hope this helps those of you who are needing some inspo for organizing your one little one’s dresser!


About The Author

Paige Houchen

Sharing about life, love, home, & everything in between – and taking far too many pictures of it all!


  1. Emily Burton | 26th Apr 21

    love it!! I think you need a label maker now! if Brett is anything like Tyler, he will try to help out by putting things away and then her regular clothes end up in the pj drawer! gah!! (first world problems, I know. LOL) I’ve had to label all the kids drawers for this reason. lol!

    • Paige Houchen | 13th May 21

      Thank you!! Oh yes I could totally see that happening…maybe Brett ought to just leave the laundry to me 😉

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