A Day at Deanna Rose

I had a busy weekend celebrating Morgan turning ONE! I am so relieved that his birthday is at the end of the school year because rather than heading back to work after the hectic weekend of hosting a party, I got to relax a little and then spend a MONDAY at a children’s farm! What a perfect way to kick off my summer!

Since my sister was in town for the party, we planned to have a day with our sons at the zoo, but my mom had the brilliant idea of going to Deanna Rose Children’s Farmstead in Overland Park, KS instead. It is much more toddler-friendly than the zoo and with much less walking! We also picked a perfect day for it because the temperature was just right and the sun was shining – very much unlike the rainy + gloomy weather we have had the past three days.

We brought Morgan’s red wagon which worked out well because it was easier and quicker to get the boys out at each animal than it would have been to get them out of their strollers. We visited Georgia’s Henhouse first and Morgan loved the chickens so much that he tried crawling out of the wagon to get to them! Even though our chickens at home are much smaller than these were, I think he saw the familiarity!

Although the boys are too small to really play on the playgrounds right now, we had to visit Morgan’s Playground and snap a photo of his very own little part of the farm. 😉

In a big white barn, there were baby goats, a mama & baby sheep, and two adorable calves. In this barn is where I knew I had a good reason to keep asking Brett to have more animals someday because Morgan absolutely loved all the animals in there! I loved that he wasn’t afraid to reach in and pet them and he had the biggest smile on his face, too. I am also very happy that finally something he inherited from ME is shining through! 😉 At one point his whole hand was in a calf’s mouth and he loved it!

We were headed toward the bottle-fed baby goat area but stopped a couple times along the way to look at some more cows, horses, and donkeys. I was so excited myself to get to these baby goats! These goats were SO tame and weren’t afraid to be pet and grabbed at by little kids. Luckily, Morgan has learned to be gentle with our four dogs and so he was fairly gentle with these little guys, too! I let him crawl around with the goats for a long time until he found an old tractor on the other side of the fence. He’s got an eye for anything with wheels!

After that, the boys ate some snacks in the wagon as we walked around looking at more animals and were stared at by some hungry goats admiring our crackers and grapes! We came across a slide that my mom convinced me to go down with Morgan. This kid has no fear because my sister said the whole way down, Morgan was straight-faced as if the slide wasn’t thrilling enough for him, lol!

The boys (and my mom) also loved the garden that we visited last and we let the boys walk (and crawl) through it for a while.

We had so much fun that I am already looking forward to our next trip to Deanna Rose, with daddy this time!

About The Author

Paige Houchen

Sharing about life, love, home, & everything in between – and taking far too many pictures of it all!