April Showers

Two weekends in a row, our little man was showered with love and the cutest gifts. Brett and I feel well-prepared for our son’s arrival now, thanks to our family and friends! I must also say that he is going to be one handsomely-dressed little fella.

It is wild to think that only a year ago I was having bridal showers for our upcoming June wedding, and this year I am having baby showers. SO very blessed to have so much to celebrate and to have so many people in our lives that love us and celebrate with us such exciting milestones!

My first shower was thrown on Easter weekend by my in-laws. Blue + green themed, with cookies, cake, & MIMOSAS! Brett’s mom picked up a bottle of FRE alcohol-removed champagne so I could at least pretend I was drinking a mimosa and my niece enjoyed some with me! The cake & cookies were adorable. They were *almost* too pretty to eat and the cake tasted incredible. It was almond flavored – my favorite – and I ate more of it than I care to share! A few of the cookies even had our son’s name on them. We have told some people in person what his name is, but we haven’t yet put it out there on social media! I saved three of the cookies to keep in the freezer as a way to remember the day.

OH, and I can’t forget to mention the p e r f e c t charcuterie board put together by my MIL, Amie, and my SIL, Mikalah!

To open my gifts, I sat in the adorable rocking chair that Brett’s mom purchased for the nursery. I may or may not be a little obsessed with it – I take pictures of it all the time! Behind me was a balloon arrangement that my long-time friend, Caroline, made for me. It turned out super cute and I am so grateful that she arranged it for me!

My dudes love their Hey Dudes!

Of course, we had to take some sister + mom pictures! One of my sisters-in-law asked if the baby was kicking at the moment and I said, “Oh, always!” So they put their hand on my belly and sure enough, he was kicking away! He was probably loving all that juice, cake, & cookies I had eaten. šŸ˜‰

The next weekend, My mom and sister threw me a boho Baby Brunch (ya know, because I’m a morning person and this was my request) with all the breakfast goodies! Cinnamon rolls, blueberry french toast, danishes, fruit + dip, mimosas, and iced chai lattes were on the menu and set up like it belonged on the cover of a magazine!

He will always be my fur-baby boy!

Also, did you notice the cutest boho decor? A talented photographer friend of mine was so kind and let me borrow some of her props + decor that she uses in her studio. Heaven on my eyes! So thankful for her.

A lot of prep work goes into throwing a shower (my family even came over the night before to start setting up) and was especially daunting for my sister who just had her baby less than a month prior to the party!

After the baby brunch, Brett and I set out to pick up a dresser from the cutest boutique in Bonner Springs, KS for the nursery. It was a gift from Brett’s aunt and I was so excited to put all of baby’s new things inside!

I am so lucky to have so many great moms to look up to in my life. It is so nice to have also received gifts that I did not originally think about that were bought by moms who have been there and know I will need them. At 35 + 3 weeks pregnant today, I feel that we are very well-prepared for our son to make his arrival, although I do hope he stays in there til closer to my due date because I am loving being pregnant and I don’t want to wish this time away! Stay tuned to see how I feel in a couple weeks, though. šŸ˜‰

Thank you to all my family and friends for showering Baby Houchen and myself this month (and always)!

April showers bring May flowers!


About The Author

Paige Houchen

Sharing about life, love, home, & everything in between – and taking far too many pictures of it all!