Finishing Touches

For 5.5 months I dreamed of the day we could start the most fun process of all when it comes to building/buying a house – d e c o r a t i n g ! Brett and I both love the farmhouse look and our former homes were decorated that way, so we already owned a lot of the decor we would use in the new house. Brett’s old house actually was a true farmhouse many years ago! Anyway, we love this style so much because it is homey and clean-looking. You can imagine that we went with a lot of neutral colors, so we were excited to add a pop of color to our front door! I had actually envisioned a darker color with a little more green in it, but paint colors can be very deceiving. We ended up loving it anyway!

One small detail I had been looking forward to finding was our house numbers! We put them under the lamp shown above (but on the other side of the garage) and it looks amazing, especially next to our black garage doors.

Okay, on to the inside of our house. Starting with my favorite room in the whole house – the guest room! This is the room I decided I would put a frilly quilt and little pink in since I did not want our master room to look too girly. You can’t see much pink in these pictures but there is a pink chair in the corner and the sheets are pink floral!I love a lot of white and wanted a white quilt in both of our bedrooms, but Brett thought it was not a very good idea because our 4 dogs would get them dirty and boy, was he right. I think I have washed this quilt at least 8 times already because Shepherd claims this room as his own and he is always getting into trouble (mud).

Love our guest bath! I mentioned in another post how we saw hexagonal tiles in a bathroom on the Parade of Homes tour and fell in love with it. These tiles are bigger than what I had originally been looking for but I actually like it much more than the smaller tiles.

This is how our master looked for the first couple months of living in our home but Brett and I were not having any luck sleeping well and we decided to buy a king bed instead, so this setup will be moved to the basement. Our new bed is white and Brett actually requested a white bedspread which I think is kinda funny. ;)My favorite things in the master are our side tables from TJ Maxx and the lamps. The side tables and lamps also make our wood-framed wall decor pop!

I will forever be in love with our sliding glass shower door. Peep the rose gold – I think I might keep sneaking those rose gold touches in here and there!

When we were looking at blueprints for our house and thinking about how we wanted the floor plan to look, we considered putting the laundry room inside the master closet. I liked the idea at first until I realized I would not have a place to hang my Wash & Dry sign. I’m glad we decided to have a separate room for laundry because look how cute the sign looks!Also, in case you are building a house and needing inspiration or advice on floor design, we love having our laundry room right next to our closet. It’s so easy to put clothes away right after taking them out of the dryer because it is so close. It is also nice that the laundry room is right inside the door to the garage because Brett can come home from work and put his dirty clothes straight into the hamper or the washing machine without having to walk them through the house.

Brett’s dad made this wine cabinet for him as a Christmas gift and it looks like it was made specifically for our house. We originally thought it would be too long for this space but were so happy to find out that it fit perfectly here. It is probably the most commented-on feature of our house! Don’t worry, there are more bottles of wine and wine glasses in it now than there were when this this picture was taken. I couldn’t wait to stock it and someday we will have a wine cooler inside one of the sliding doors!

The hutch in the picture above and the table and chairs to the left were all refurbished by my mom. I used to have them in my old house, too! Both the table and chairs and the hutch were $100 but you would never have guessed that because my mom did such a good job on them. Between these two things and our wine cabinet, we have some one-of-a-kind things in our home!Our kitchen is one of our favorite places in the house. We love the different colors and textures and of course that rose gold faucet! I may or may not have gone out to buy a new coffee maker specifically to look good in our kitchen. I loved my old one because it made both a pot of coffee and/or a cup at a time, but it took up a lot of counter space. I am excited to use that one in my classroom!

Brett already owned two leather recliners that we wanted to use in the house, so we went on a mission to find a leather couch that looked similar to the recliners. To be honest, I was nervous about making leather furniture work in our home because I wasn’t sure how to decorate them and I didn’t know how they would look being so dark in a house with so many light pieces of furniture. I usually like lighter colored living room sets (I love white everything) but I knew with dogs that would be a very poor decision. It turns out I really like how the leather looks and what I love even more is that the furniture can be wiped down easily! We bought our couch from Nebraska Furniture Mart as well as the coffee table and a side table to match. The cowhide rug is something we had in mind to buy for a while and Brett found this one on Amazon. It is exactly what I had pictured – dark and light browns with white splotches throughout. I wanted the cowhide to be one that was not too warm-colored or too cool-colored.

When I saw this “You me & the dogs” wall hanging in a Smallwoods ad it was considered a must-have. I got it for Christmas and so I was getting anxious to hang it up after admiring it for a few months!

We also have a pretty cute welcoming committee!

About The Author

Paige Houchen

Sharing about life, love, home, & everything in between – and taking far too many pictures of it all!