Hello Third Trimester

I actually can’t believe I am already in the third trimester of my pregnancy! It seems like it has been flying by, but then I realize that September – when we found out we were pregnant – was actually a pretty long time ago. I feel very lucky because my pregnancy has gone really well so far and I think that’s why it seems to be going quickly. Crossing my fingers it continues to go smoothly!

One of my most prevalent symptoms seems to be pregnancy brain, so please excuse me dumping my thoughts out in the rest of this post as they come to my mind. I hope you enjoy my pregnancy brain dump! Haha

Baby & Me

At 29 weeks today, baby is about 17 inches long and weighs nearly 3 pounds – about the size of a pineapple!

He is e x t r e m e l y active in my belly! There is hardly a time I don’t feel him. I try to distinguish which body parts I feel poking me, but it’s very hard to tell. BUT, I think I have been feeling his little foot in my right side the past couple days!

Around this time, they say to start counting kicks (I read that you want to feel 10 movements within an hour) but I haven’t felt the need at this point because I think I could feel 10 movements within about 1 minute haha!

The other day, I noticed the movements were just a little different than they had been recently, and I think he has gotten comfortable in a head-down position – which means it’s gettin’ real around here! It’s hard to tell what I am feeling, like I said, but I think what I feel most is his little butt!

A week ago, I woke up in the morning at 28 weeks and felt a twitching low in my belly and figured out it was the baby’s hiccups! So cute. It was ironic because I read that same morning that at 28 weeks, I may start noticing hiccups. These apps can be crazy accurate!

Really the only food item I crave are carrots. I have always loved carrots but especially right now! I brought out a whole bag of carrots in my classroom yesterday to snack on while my students had guidance and their faces were like ??? I also

At week 28 was my appointment where I was tested for gestational diabetes again and given the Tdap shot (tetanus, diptheria, and pertussis) as well as the RhoGAM shot (because I have a negative blood type). My blood test came back pretty normal other than I am pretty low on iron – I was low on iron pre-pregnancy, as well, so they told me to up my iron intake. Low iron = one t i r e d mama. I was hoping I would have another ultrasound soon, but was told I would not have any more ultrasounds at their office unless my doctor felt the need for one. The good news is, we scheduled a 3D/4D ultrasound at a different location for tonight and we are SO excited to see what our son looks like! I would love to share the pictures in another blog.

I have continued to do yoga stretches & sometimes pilates in the mornings since week 19 and I believe this is one reason why I haven’t had many aches and pains so far! Don’t get me wrong, I still get them, but I feel they would probably be worse if I weren’t doing stretches regularly. I have been dealing with restless leg syndrome, leg & foot cramps first thing in the mornings, and aching feet from being on my feet all day at work! I have been soaking my feet in hot water & epsom salt lately and that helps a bunch. I NEED to find some comfortable shoes for work ASAP!

Preparing for Baby H

A couple weeks ago, Brett and I went shopping for a dresser/changing table at Nebraska Furniture Mart with no luck. So we are still on the hunt for one! My MIL ordered the cutest rocking chair that I have had my eye on for months from Pottery Barn Kids and I can’t wait til it arrives! I am so excited to sit in the nursery in the AMs and drink my coffee while dreaming about our baby boy. The nursery is on the east side of our house so it is a perfect place to be to catch some morning rays coming through the windows!

When it comes to the nursery and ALL THE THINGS for baby, I feel a little unprepared… but after my baby showers I think I will feel better-prepared for the baby. My showers are coming up soon – in April – and I am so excited! I have been adding things to my registry and I think I have a good list so far. I worry I am adding too many things (clothes, really), but babies need a l l the clothes in different sizes because they grow so fast! The clothing style I am going with is basically neutral and simple. I am all about the things that will be easy to put on and take off and easy to mix and match to make an outfit. Oh, and if it’s Carhartt, I want it for him – our little country boy.

Another thing I have started working on is my hospital bag, and I will work on Brett’s, as well. I have written down the things I would like to pack and I am trying to keep it somewhat simple which is hard to do because I a l w a y s overpack. I went to visit my sister this past weekend (who is now 6 days overdue, by the way) and she showed me her perfectly-packed hospital bag to give me some ideas on what else I might want to bring with us on the big day!

A couple weekends ago, I had some maternity photos taken that were so much fun to take! They were almost like maternity boudoir photographs which are very popular right now. I am also looking forward to booking another maternity session with Shelby Lynn Photography where Brett is included, too! I would like to do those around 36 weeks or so.

I think that may be about it for my pregnancy brain dump!


Photos by Shelby Lynn Photography

About The Author

Paige Houchen

Sharing about life, love, home, & everything in between – and taking far too many pictures of it all!