20 Week Update

The day has finally come – the halfway mark!

Today I hit the 20 week pregnancy milestone and I have to admit, I feel a little behind with my mom-to-be duties! I still haven’t registered for much (a few of the things I did register for, my family gifted us for Christmas, which is amazing)! I want to do some research about what I actually NEED once our baby boy arrives, rather than ordering 3 of everything the registry suggests. Trying to keep it minimal!

I am definitely showing at this point and loving that I have a belly, but it has taken some getting used to, I will admit. For the most part, I have put my regular jeans away for awhile and traded them out for maternity jeans. They do fit me better, but leggings are of course the way to go! My sister is getting me some Blanqi leggings and I can’t wait to wear them. A friend of mine had a bunch of maternity clothes she was getting rid of, so she got me all set up with a basic maternity wardrobe. My mom has been finding several good maternity pieces for me, as well!

I went back to work this week after our 17-day Christmas Break. I was nervous to go back (I get anxious about things like that) but ready to be back in a routine and I missed my students! I have been tired since going back because I have been getting up earlier to be sure and get my yoga workout in before work. Other than being tired, I feel pretty great. I think being back at work lifts my mood a little, since I am staying busy and productive all day. I am definitely ready to relax when I get home, though!

I was telling Brett just today how lucky I am to have gotten such an amazing group of students this year. In the past, I had thought about the school year in which I would someday be pregnant and worried about how stressful it may be, to be sick and tired in the first trimester and to be rounding up 18 or so first graders while battling it! However, I have been lucky in two ways; with an easy pregnancy *knock on wood that it continues* and an amazing class. I currently have only 14 students in-person and they are the sweetest kids. They are making work life as a pregnant lady pretty sweet and fun!

I had my anatomy scan today and thankfully, Brett was allowed to come! We had been looking forward to this day for weeks now – another chance to see our baby boy and hear his heartbeat! Our only other sonogram pictures were from my 12-week appointment and I know he has been growing like crazy so we couldn’t wait to see how he had changed.

I am a natural worrier (seriously, about everything), so I began to worry that the blood test results that told us the sex of the baby were incorrect and that we actually were having a girl. Not that it would even be a bad thing, just that we have been preparing for a boy. But the baby was positioned well enough during the ultrasound that the tech could prove that we did, in fact, have a boy on our hands. A stubborn one, at that! Even though we were able to capture some good profiles of him as well as his little hands and feet, he didn’t want to change positions to let us get a different view of him. He was ready for a nap and was too snuggled up to want to move – stubborn like his dad and a snuggler like his mom!

Tonight we are still talking about how amazing our day was thanks to our little guy.

Right at 19 weeks I started to feel him moving around in me, and since then, he hasn’t stop throwing punches and kicks at me! I love it. It is the strangest, best feeling ever. At 19 weeks he was 6 inches from crown to rump, so I could see why I was able to feel him so strongly.

Starting at 20 weeks, babies are measured differently – from head to toe – making him about 10 inches long and weighing 11 ounces right now!

A few questions I have had from Instagram followers:

Did you want a boy or a girl?

Obviously we were going to be excited about either one, but we both really wanted a boy! I did think it would have been adorable for Brett to have a little daddy’s girl, though. Maybe the next one! šŸ˜‰

Are you going back to work in the fall?

Yes! That is the plan. I am looking forward to having the whole summer off with the baby, but I am sure I will be anxious to get back to work come fall.

How many kids do you want?

We have been thinking we will want two kids, and I may be open to three. Time will tell!

What’s been your biggest craving?

I actually haven’t had any cravings since the first trimester. I do have quite an appetite and pretty much anything sounds appetizing to me. I have even recently started to get over my aversion to coffee! I do seem to want sweet, hot drinks more than usual, however, such as hot chocolate and cappuccino.

How have you felt so far?

I feel pretty great! I have been a little achy in my abdomen and I think it may be round ligament pain. I have been doing yoga in the am so I hope that helps with any other achiness that may come up. I have started to feel little more tired than I have felt in the last several weeks, but it could be due to my schedule change from going back to work. I have a feeling I will be needing after school naps here before long!

How have you felt about going through your first pregnancy with Covid restrictions?

I guess it makes me a little more nervous to be around others than I would be if I weren’t pregnant, but mostly I have been continuing on like normal (as normal as it gets these days, anyway). Really my biggest concern is when it comes time to deliver, who all will be allowed in the delivery room and waiting room. Hopefully things like that will be less-restrictive in the spring!

Thanks for reading through my bumpdate! I love that not only does my blog allow me to share my experiences with others, it acts as a journal and photo album of my experiences to enjoy for myself at any time in the future. Looking forward to sharing more with you guys!


About The Author

Paige Houchen

Sharing about life, love, home, & everything in between – and taking far too many pictures of it all!