Let’s Talk Books

I am not a “great” reader. Sometimes when I sit down to read a book, I can’t make it through the first sentence before my mind wonders off! For me, long books and even long chapters can discourage me from even getting started on a book, so I tend to like books that have short, sweet, and to-the-point passages. I have noticed that a genre that typically provides just that is self-improvement books!

Not only do self-improvement books tend to fit my reading style, I simply LOVE them. I can be a little bit of a perfectionist and I am always thinking of how something can be better – oftentimes that “something” is myself. Besides, we all have room for improvement, right?

Many of the books I have in my closet are self-improvement and how-to books, but I have read others as well and I will explain those, too!


You can find self-improvement books over many different topics such as relationships, self-confidence, self-care – and so many more. I also consider books that explain personality traits a type of self-improvement because they allow you to learn more about yourself! Take my first book as an example…

The Introvert’s Way: Living a Quiet Life in a Noisy World

I definitely plan on re-reading this one! I used to be ashamed of being an introvert but reading The Introvert’s Way helped me to just own it and be comfortable with my personality. Find it here.

15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy

No need to explain this book! There are so many ways we hold ourselves back from being happy and if we give up those things, we can “discover effortless joy.” Find it here.

How to Talk to Anyone

Not so confident when it comes to carrying on a conversation? I’m not always either – I like to consider myself more of a listener! But we can’t get through life without having to speak up so if you need a little help, you might give this book a look. I have not read it all but I love any book with “tips and tricks” and that’s exactly what How to Talk to Anyone has – 92 of them, in fact. Find it here.

The Self-Confidence Workbook

This is a good book/workbook for when you are letting your “imperfections” get the best of you (I know I am not the only one out there). I really like how you can fill out writing prompts and questions on the pages because I retain information better that way. The Self-Confidence Workbook helps you to identify your weaknesses and imperfections so that you can accept them rather than let them control you. Goodbye self-doubt! Find it here.


Fiction books are possibly the hardest for me to get interested in unless they grab my attention immediately. I am very bad about starting a fiction book and then not picking it back up for a long period of time. Of course at that point, I have forgotten most of what has happened in the book and decide to never finish it. It makes me hesitant to even start one in the first place!

My first year of teaching, I bought A Dog’s Purpose at the Scholastic Book Fair and it was so good I could not. put. it. down. So I bought another book by W. Bruce Cameron, and another, and another, and another. These are my favorite books EVER. If you are an animal lover, and even if you are not, you are guaranteed to love them!

No need for me to give a description of each – just know that you need to buy them. I will link them below!

A Dog’s Purpose

A Dog’s Journey

A Dog’s Promise

A Dog’s Way Home

The Dogs of Christmas (not pictured)

Figuring It Out

These books could totally be considered self-improvement books, but I wanted them to have their own category. Basically, they can help you when you have no idea what is going on in life and/or you do not have “adulting” down quite yet (we have all been there or are currently there, don’t lie).

Books that are geared for twenty-somethings really catch my eye in stores. Many of them actually have valuable information and some are hilariously blunt (love those). I have read more of these book than what I have pictured below, but I sold them or gave them away – hopefully someone out there is benefitting from them!

Own Your Everyday

I am a pretty big fan of Jordan Lee Dooley. I have been listening to her podcast called She lately! I read Own Your Everyday at the perfect time in my life because I was feeling unsure of what I was “made to do.” That is not what the entire book focuses on, but it was what resonated with me most because it was what I was needing to hear. This book gives you the courage to “overcome the pressure to prove and show up for what you were made to do.” Find it here.

101 Secrets for Your Twenties

Some secrets include: Obsessive Comparison Disorder is the smallpox of our generation, attending weddings is like going to high school prom all over again, and a quarter-life crisis might be the best thing to happen to you. It’s super easy to stay interested in this one because there is a “secret” on every page or two, making it short, sweet, and to the point! Find it here.

The 20 Something Guide to Getting it Together

This one is full of advice about careers, health, love, friendships, and money. Throughout the book are real-life survival stories, facts, and quarterlife pro tips. See below:


Next time you see a picture of your friends on Instagram that you feel left out of,pull yourself out of the Internet world and into the real world by texting your friends to say you miss them. Don’t live in the shadows; you are not the Phantom of the Opera.

Find it here.


Just as working to improve yourself as an individual is important, so is working to improve (or maintain) your relationship. A couple of these books could also probably fit into the self-improvement category, but relationship books are definitely worthy of their own category.

You and Me Forever

One of those Hobby Lobby finds up by the register – you know what I am talking about. I love reading about ways to strengthen relationships and this book has some really good bits to keep in mind for your own. It is even written by a husband and wife! Find it here.

808 Conversation Starters for Couples

Here is a book full of fun questions to ask your SO! Brett and I ask and answer them before bed sometimes and I think I have also taken it with us on date night. Usually I just use Pinterest to find questions if we are on a date and wanting some fun questions to answer, but this book has better questions! Some include: What are the 6 smartphone apps that you just can’t do without? What is the most powerful lesson your mother taught you? What are four qualities you most admire in your best friend?

Find it here.

12 Essential Ways to a Love that Lasts

To be honest, I have not read this one yet. I have the women’s workbook and I thought I might be able to get away with buying this one only and not the men’s workbook for Brett, but I should have gotten both. I feel it would be more beneficial to me/us if we both read it, so I did not get far in this one. I can’t wait to someday order the other workbook and do it together!

The chapters in this book cover theology of marriage, trust, communication, conflict, faith, calling and purpose, sex, parenting, money, boundaries, addiction, and rhythms. Good stuff! Find it here.

Next on my List

There are so many books out there that I would love to read, but here are a few that I already own that I have not gotten to yet or have not totally finished. I won’t bore you with a description of a book I have not even read, so I will just link it below and you can check it out if you are interested!

The Joy of Missing Out

Present Over Perfect



I hope you were able to find a few books to add to your Amazon list – thanks for r e a d i n g!


About The Author

Paige Houchen

Sharing about life, love, home, & everything in between – and taking far too many pictures of it all!