Hey Fall!

Usually I find myself at the end of summer wishing it wouldn’t end quite yet, but this year I was ready for fall weather to be here! I think it was because this summer was so HOT that I was tired of being stuck inside with a very outdoors-loving toddler – we both wanted to be spending more time outside. Well now that fall weather is here, we have been taking advantage of being outside when we get the chance!

Last night, we had our first fall activity of the season – pumpkin carving at my parents! Family, blankets, cider, a fire, pizza, and of course pumpkins, made it a perfect fall evening. Morgan had a ball playing with his cousin, Dawson, although they were less interested in the pumpkins and more interested in digging in the dirt and running through the cool grass. Typical boys!

I am watching my chickens as I write this blog and I can tell they are enjoying the weather as well. It was a hot summer for them and they spent a lot of time just laying in the shade. Today, they are feasting on pumpkin insides from last night and my 3-week old chicks are enjoying the breeze coming in through the open door of the Hen Den. My chickens have been keeping me busy with egg collecting lately as several have started laying here recently! Out of my 15 chickens, I believe I have 9 or 10 laying and I need to start selling the eggs ASAP!

Later this week, Brett and I plan to take Morgan to Faulkner’s Ranch near Kansas City. They have an area where kids can play in a big pile of corn and I know he would love it since he loves playing in his bucket of corn here at home! M is a busy little guy and Faulkner’s Ranch is supposed to have a lot of activities for littles I have heard, so I am excited to see what it’s all about!

The month of October is typically a busy one, especially with school events, but it has been off to a pretty mild start so far. This weekend was filled with family time, next weekend we have a trap-shooting event to attend, the weekend after that I have a couple birthday plans before ending the month with my birthday and a camping trip with family on the final weekend!

Fall is such a busy time of year which causes it to fly by and before we know it, it’ll be Christmas! Not to mention my little family has a LOT on our plates in the next few months with some big life changes coming up – a new build! So the next few months will consist of a lot of packing and preparing for the next phase of our life. I like to think of this cooler fall weather as a refreshing start to this exciting next phase!

About The Author

Paige Houchen

Sharing about life, love, home, & everything in between – and taking far too many pictures of it all!