End of Summer Trip to the Farmstead

Today was my last day of summer break and tomorrow I’m back to being a working gal! No, I am not ready to give up my days with Morgan. Yes, I may be ready for some more routine in my life again, though. With today being my last day, I wanted to do something fun with Morgan, so Brett and I took him to Deanna Rose Children’s Farmstead after his nap!

It was the most perfect evening to go, too, because the temperature wasn’t scorching hot like it has been lately. We went the very last hour it was open and we actually found that an hour was just about the perfect amount of time to be there, although I could have stayed longer!

This was Morgan’s second time going there, but Brett’s first time, so I was excited for him to see this adorable place! The first animal we came to were the chickens and both times he’s seen them, his face lights up. You would think chickens wouldn’t be very interesting to him since we have our own, but he gets excited about familiar things that he sees away from home.

We had to stop by the Morgan’s Playground sign for obvious reasons. M loves playgrounds right now and we knew he would want to play on one ASAP, but we wanted to make sure to see all the animals first.

After seeing some adorable calves and cows (I am still sold on owning a Brown Swiss one day, btw), we headed to my favorite area in the whole place – the BABY GOATS! As I suspected, we came too late in the day to bottle feed them, but they were still hungry enough to nibble on everything we were wearing and gave us lots of attention! M loved them the first time he came here and today was no different. His smiles say it all!

Another favorite of ours were the pigs! I know it’s a stretch to say pigs can be pretty, but these ones were, I promise. I would love to have pigs someday, and I think I would be sold on these slick, black ones. I couldn’t get over the piglets. Once we saw all the animals, Morgan spent the rest of the time playing on a couple different play sets before heading to Jose Peppers to pick up supper and then head home.

Today felt successful for me not because I was able to do things for myself on my last day, but because Morgan had a fun day with lots of attention on him. Going back doesn’t only mean change for me, it’s a change for the whole family. I will miss having these summer days with him but I’m glad I can look back and call it a successful, fun summer with my family!

About The Author

Paige Houchen

Sharing about life, love, home, & everything in between – and taking far too many pictures of it all!