Rewind: 7 Weeks Pregnant

Today is Saturday, May 6, and I am 7 weeks pregnant with whom I believe is our little GAL!

It seems like the first trimester drags on because because I have been experiencing all the symptoms yet I have no bump to show for it yet! We also haven’t told anyone yet, so the anticipation of letting our little secret out makes the time go by slowly. However, I will add that at the same time, I can’t believe I am already 7 weeks. I believe the time will go by quicker this pregnancy overall because I have a busy (almost) two-year old to occupy my time!

So far, my symptoms have been very similar to my first pregnancy, although the symptoms set in earlier and are more intense. Just like my first go-around, I crave cheese & pasta, and I have an aversion to coffee! Basically any smells that are not fresh really make me queasy. Speaking of queasy, my nausea is much worse than my first pregnancy. It has been very miserable the past week! Work has been extra difficult. I worry I am going to throw up in front of my students. I don’t have a bathroom nearby to run to, either, so I’ve had a lot of anxiety about it all. I know it is unprofessional to eat in front of your students, but any time my stomach is empty, the nausea is awful, so I almost constantly have to be snacking on something. Fresh air helps, so I look forward to when I take the kids out to recess!

For my nausea, I have been wearing Seaband wristbands every so often, which I also used for my mild nausea with Morgan. Honestly, I don’t know if they work. But they don’t hurt and sometimes I think they may trick my mind into thinking they work, and ya know, that’s good enough for me. I have also ordered Preggie Pops (the sour raspberry ones are delicious) as well as a fizzy powder drink that I haven’t gotten in the mail yet, some No To Morning Sickness tea, and some Magnesium oil in a spray bottle. I am skeptical when using new things, so I think I am going to wait to use the Magnesium until I talk with my doctor on Wednesday. Of course, I love to use peppermint oil when I feel sick to my stomach, but I have yet to actually use it on my skin like I would if I weren’t pregnant. It is still so helpful for me just to smell it though! The last two days have been the worst for me when it comes to feeling sick (fine in the morning but then from 10am on hits and gets worse until I go to bed) but for some reason, today has not been nearly as bad. It make me wonder if the tea I bought is helping me the most! I had a little last night, more this morning, and I am currently drinking a cup as I type this at 3:30pm. Thank goodness something is easing it!

On Wednesday, I am taking a half-day off work for my ultrasound and first prenatal appointment! When I was pregnant with Morgan, Covid kept me from having a true 8-week prenatal appointment and it was just over the phone. So I am very excited to have sonograms this early this time! I have been VERY eager to tell my mom our big news but want to wait until we have pictures (ya know, for dramatic effect)! My mom has just recently returned home from a long hospital stay. She was diagnosed with cancer last year and has recently undergone a blood + marrow transplant. REALLY. HARD. STUFF. So I know this news will really excite her. BTW, it’s been weeks since I have seen her and tonight we are going to visit her! It’s been long overdue!

Brett and I are totally “okay” with having either a boy OR a girl. Like seriously, I am 50/50 on what I “hope” for! I would love to be a BOY mama of 2 but would also love to have a little girl and do all the girl things together. We have been set on a girl name for over 2 years now but if it’s a boy, we are going to have a tougher time deciding! At Morgan’s 12-week ultrasound, I KNEW he was a boy. I don’t know how, but I knew! I know earlier I said I think this baby is a girl, but it’s a different “feeling” than when I knew with Morgan. Mostly, my mind goes to girl when I think of the nursery, and that’s why I feel like maybe it’s a girl. I am wondering if I will have a better insight at our 12-week ultrasound. Time will tell!

About The Author

Paige Houchen

Sharing about life, love, home, & everything in between – and taking far too many pictures of it all!