Morgan’s 1st Rodeo

Our little cowboy had a hog killin’ time at his first birthday party this weekend! If you don’t know cowboy language, that means he had a really fun time 😉

Morgan was very blessed to have so many family members help to celebrate turning ONE. He is one very loved little boy! His “rodeo” was planned to happen in between his naps so it was a fairly short, but very special, celebration.

His fun + clever personality really showed throughout his party and we all had fun watching him taste his smash cake and open his gifts. My mom and I made him a red-velvet cake w/ vanilla frosting for him to tear into, although after him not tearing into his birthday photoshoot smash cake a couple weeks ago, I didn’t expect him to get real messy with it. I had to help him a little!

After everyone ate a light lunch, the kids played with my chicks outside, and Morgan & Brett went on a dirt bike ride, it was time for gifts! Morgan’s Nan & Pop passed down to Morgan a hand-made rocking horse that belonged to Brett when he was little, so it was super special. I put Morgan on it and he acted like he knew exactly what to do even though he had never been on one before! His playhouse from his Guggie & Gamp has also been super fun to have in our garage! My parents & brother gave Morgan his very own John Deere tractor + wagon, a lot like the ones his Grandpa & Uncle J drive on the farm!

Brett & I gave Morgan a little slide the morning of his birthday so he had a gift to wake up to and he had so much fun with it – I knew he would because this kid loves THRILL and he lived that “falling” feeling!

My sister came to town for the weekend with her son, Dawson, and we planned a day date with our babies and our mom to go to Deanna Rose Children’s Farm the next day which was the perfect way to end our Birthday Boy’s Weekend! Not to mention we were also glad we got the trip in before all the rain came today! That sweet experience will be posted on my blog very soon, too <3

Cookies by R&O Cookie Company
The ice cream cake I spent forever decorating and then forgot to bring out for the party…
Morgan & Poppie
Morgan with his Great Grandma & Poppie
Grandpa & Nana
Grandma Rie (Marie) & Grandpa Bob w/ Morgan & Dawson
Uncle J & his nephews!
Guggie & Nan
Morgan w/ Aunt B & Aunt Kay Kay
Morg w/ Aunt Monica

About The Author

Paige Houchen

Sharing about life, love, home, & everything in between – and taking far too many pictures of it all!