Sweet Spring Break

I have had many Spring Breaks in my life – 22, in fact, but this one was the most special. It wasn’t special because I went on a trip, or accomplished anything major, but it was the first one as a mom!

My school allows us a whole week off (YAY) and boy was a ready for this break! This school year really has me exhausted. I don’t know what it is. It is always a much-appreciated time for teachers and gives us that little push we need to make it through the craziness that is the end of the school year. I can’t believe there is less than 2 months until my FIFTH year of teaching is complete!

I had considered planning a trip for our little family, but Spring is a bust time for Brett, so we decided it would be best to just stay home. I liked the sound of that, though, because I looked forward to hanging out at home, just Morgan and me!

I think Morgan and I maybe only made one “mom & son outing” the entire week and it was to Target and Marshall’s. I went looking for a new basket to put Morgan’s small toys in at Marshall’s and the trip to Target was to look for some Spring clothes for myself, but I bought clothes and Toys for Morg instead and hardly anything for myself – oh how motherhood changes your thinking…I definitely enjoy dressing him more than I enjoy dressing myself these days!

We started off our break celebrating my nephew, Dawson’s, first birthday! I can’t believe he is already a year old. I went to visit my sister shortly after she delivered my nephew and I have a sweet picture of Daws laying on Morgan in my belly, as I was 7 months pregnant at the time. It was sweet to see our babies looking so grown up sitting together for a picture a whole year later.

They are so close in age and we love it. It is very fun to experience their milestones, to see their similarities and differences. It’s funny because Dawson reminds me of myself – timid – and Morgan reminds me of my sister – thrill-seeking! I think both boys are a lot like their daddies.

I just know that Dawson and I will always “get” each other!

While at my sister’s house, I set Morgan down on the stairs to see what he would do, and he took off up the stairs like he had done it a million times. LOL So when we got back home I let him practice on our stairs! He has the”up” part down pat, but I have been trying to teach him to go down backwards, the safe way, and he wants to go for it head first with no fear! He gets to the edge of the step, looks down and holds a hand out over the edge, then looks at me and smiles like, “I know this is dangerous but that’s exactly why I want to do it.” This boy!!!

He is now to that stage where he is getting. into. EVERYTHING. I bought cabinet locks but only put one on the cabinet under the kitchen sink, and our bathroom sinks. Really, we don’t have many cabinets with toxic things in them other than those places and I still want him to be able to explore the house, within reason, so we let him open the other cabinets and drawers. He loves to open the doors on our hutch which had my Fiestaware in it, so I replaced the dishes with things that Morgan likes. Not necessarily toys, but random items LOL – gift bag, sheet pan, plastic containers, plastic champagne glass – that last one helps satisfy his need to go for the glass wine glasses – kind of. The cabinet on the other side of the hutch is full of books. He LOVES books! I also had to make a little basket of knick-knacks in the pantry because that is one of his favorite places to go. He was obsessed with my cookbooks, so I replaced those with a few of his own books! Maybe it means he will be a good cook.

Most of the rest of the week was mostly just relaxing and hanging out together!

On the days like this where I don’t have to be in a rush, I take advantage of holding Morgan a little longer during nap time before laying him down.

The next weekend was coming up and I was feeling a little down about Spring break ending. But Brett called me and said that he made arrangements for Morgan’s aunt to watch him while Brett took me out for a day of doing whatever I wanted!

Clearly he knows me better than I know myself because he asked me what I wanted to do, and when I said I hadn’t come up with many ideas yet, he said, “I figured we would go on a breakfast date, then maybe Target and Starbucks somewhere in there.” I thought his plan sounded perfect! LOL

We went to breakfast at The Operahouse in Downtown KC – we had a few other places picked out, but we are too much of “morning people” for KC because we were up and at ’em before several of them opened for breakfast! I had eaten at The Operahouse before and knew it was right across the street from The River Market, a place I wanted to go after breakfast.

After breakfast, we went to the Rivermarket to see what all the vendors had to sell. Brett bought some salsa and Wagyu filets!

We went on the hunt for a piece of furniture to put underneath our TV at Restoration Emporium (RE), but we didn’t find exactly what we were looking for, so we went ahead to the next location I had REALYY been looking forward to going for a long time – Rockhille Grille! For so long I have wanted to get drinks there!

I wanted to try all. the. drinks, but stuck with 3 – Rockhille Collins, Mirtilloni, & The Outrigger. All were so yummy! I also loved the aesthetic of the place which is half the experience of any place, in my opinion.

It was an amazing day that I did’t want to end! We missed our Morgan though, so we called it a day, midday.

Unfortunately, Spring Break concluded with Morgan getting the stomach bug that has been going around. It was so sad to see him feeling so awful. I don’t do well when Morgan doesn’t feel well – Brett steps up in these situations because he knows I don’t quite have the heart for it yet. I cried watching Morgan struggle in the night with an upset tummy. We were up nearly the entire night. I slept on the floor in his room because I was afraid to leave his side when I knew he had a sour stomach. He fell asleep on my belly on the couch for a it until his belly settled a bit, and I laid him in his crib around 2AM so I could type my sub plans for the next day – my Spring Break was extended, but it was no vacation. It is no fun when your baby is sick!

We were supposed to go out that weekend for my mom’s birthday, but we postpioed it until Morgan was feeling better. We are going to try out a new local cocktail restaurant when we reschedule and I am just as excited about it as my mom is!

Morgan also turned 10 months old on the 21st! I can’t believe he will be ONE in two short months. Time to start planning a partay! Oh wait, I definitely started planning when he was 8 months old. LOL I am so excited for his party but also, why does time have to be such a thief?? Ugh!

Other than my baby being sick, this was an amazing Spring Break. I can’t wait to see what summer break has to offer for our little family!

About The Author

Paige Houchen

Sharing about life, love, home, & everything in between – and taking far too many pictures of it all!