Lately in Life

I am sitting here on the couch with my glass (okay, bottle) of wine on a Tuesday night. Morgan is in bed, evening pumping session done, supper and dishes put away… I was contemplating going to bed despite it only being 8 o’clock. Then I remembered how I hadn’t written a blog post in a while and decided to take the time to post on here!

Nothing spectacular has happened here lately, but I thought I’d just give a little update on my life recently.

First of all, Morgan is growing like a weed. He is over 8 months old now and is accomplishing all. the. things. He was threatening to crawl there for a while and we knew we would really have our hands full once he was mobile and BOY were we right! At the end of December, he figured out how to crawl and it was (and still is) the cutest thing. His hands smack on the floors so you definitely know when he’s on the move. He has a couple favorite places in the house that he loves to go to – the closet and the pantry! He always stops by Brett’s boots and knocks them over before heading to the closet. I have a skirt hanging in there that he loves and he likes to pull my shoes out of my organizer.

Just the other day he learned to pull up on things, too! Mostly, it’s the couch he pulls up on, but he also uses the dishwasher! It is nice because we have a rug to cushion [some of] his falls in the living room! Usually I will sit with him when he practices standing against the couch and he thinks it’s hilarious for him to fall backwards and his mama catch him. He is certainly learning, though, that there won’t always be someone there to catch him. As hard as it is to see him lose balance and fall over and bonk his head, it is something that has to happen for him to learn, and he will learn that he IS okay if and when it happens! We have noticed that he throws a bigger fit when we acknowledge the incident and run to him. Sometimes we will distract him a bit and go on with life after he bonks his head and he just moves on with his day, no problem! We want him to be a tough boy but I also want him to know I will always be there when he needs me.

Oh, and he has the cutest little toof! It started popping over a month ago, yet he still only has one! He has been extra drooly lately, so we wonder if he’s got another one popping through.

A couple weeks ago, I recovered from my second round of Covid. I had it back in September and missed two weeks of school, but luckily my symptoms weren’t too awful. This time around, I think I had the Omicron variant. It was not fun! I had ALL the symptoms of the flu and so I called in sick to work. That was my worst day! Luckily I get over most sicknesses fairly quickly and still felt bad, but didn’t have a fever and felt good enough to go to work the next day. BUT, I decided to take a Covid test as I did not want to put my students in harm’s way, and it was immediately positive. Thank goodness I was only out 3 school days and then had the weekend and MLK Day to recover. What I am MOST thankful for is that Morgan and Brett didn’t get it!

School has been a little rough. This is not my toughest year, but it definitely has been hard. I feel like I am always playing catchup, whether from being absent myself, or my students being absent. Since September, I have only had a handful of days where my entire class has been present. One day during this most recent time that I had Covid, my sub only had a class of 10 students (normally 19). Of course, this also happened the week of our school-wide testing…

This week, there is a snowstorm coming! In fact, it is currently sleeting. I am expecting to have snow days the rest of this week most likely. Believe me when I say that snow days as a teacher are 10x better than they are as a student! My favorite phone call to get is the one from my school LOL. This year, snow days are more appreciated than any other because I get to spend them with Morgan. It hurts my heart to leave him in the mornings (but I understand I am VERY blessed for him to be watched by his grandmas all week) and so being able to stay at home all day with him just makes my day.

My sister and brother-in-law came to town this past weekend with my nephew, Dawson! We hosted them at our house and it is always so much fun to get the little boys together – they are only 10 weeks apart! I love when Morgan is able to be around other kids & babies. I want him to be social! I think he will have Brett’s personality, so he will have no problem being able to talk to anyone and everyone and if he really is like his dad, then to know him will be to love him! I would say that already stands true for Morg!

Valentine’s Day is coming up and I am so excited. I seriously LOVE Valentine’s Day. I always have! The flowers, the chocolate, the PINK & red, the romance! At school, it’s the one classroom party I really get into and I already have my goodie bags complete and a Valentine project started. The only thing I would change [this year] is that it is on a Monday…it’s a hectic way to start a school week AND you have to keep in mind that it’s a school night while you’re on a date! LOL Not to mention our 100th Day of School will be right around the same time as Valentine’s Day.

Brett and I are going to the city that night. Brett was on top of making a reservation because he’s just that sweet and he knows how much I love Valentine’s Day! I love Date Night and I will think about it every day for the next 2 weeks LOL. Brett and I prefer the country but we both agree that it’s fun to go to the city for a good time every once in a while!

Basically, I could sum life up right now by saying, “Work is hard, Covid sucks, snow days rule, Morgan is on the run, Brett is sweet, and I love Valentine’s Day!”

About The Author

Paige Houchen

Sharing about life, love, home, & everything in between – and taking far too many pictures of it all!