Last Minute Meal Plan

If you haven’t planned your meals for the week or made your grocery pickup order, I got you!

Typically, I like to plan what Brett and I will be eating for the week on Saturday, then go pick up the ingredients on Sunday. However, this past week I did not make ANY meal plans because last weekend was so busy! It actually worked out, though, because it gave us the chance to eat with family a couple nights and eat out as a family of three at a local mexican restaurant without feeling guilty about ingredients getting old in the fridge back at home.

But, I hate being off my routine, so I am making sure that before the week starts, I have all the things I need for the meals I have planned for the week ahead. I feel like I have fallen into a rut of making the same suppers over and over again because honestly, I have been making easy meals. I have a full-time job as a teacher and add being a new mom to a six month old, my evenings have been filled with getting a congested, sleep-regressed, overtired baby to sleep, grading papers, lesson planning, pumping & bottling milk, never-ending loads of laundry and dishes, and trying to find time for the things I need for myself, like showering and quality time with Brett. So, I reached out to Facebook friends for their favorite recipes and before long, I had plenty of meals to choose from for even the next few weeks!

I figure I may as well share the yummy recipes with anyone wanting new supper ideas! And, in case you want to make your Walmart pickup order ASAP but don’t want to read through each recipe, I wrote down all the ingredients you will need, then later you can click the link for the steps to make each recipe! I have included enough recipes for six nights, because odds are, one night, we will either eat with family, eat out, pick something up, or opt for the frozen pizzas we always keep on hand!

P.S. These are all simple recipes!

Here’s what you’ll need for the following recipes:

Here are the links to each one.

About The Author

Paige Houchen

Sharing about life, love, home, & everything in between – and taking far too many pictures of it all!