Morgan Grey is 2 Months Old

I am sitting here sipping (okay, inhaling) coconut coffee after a rough night with Morgan and thinking back on the past 2 months of our lives. If you are a mama as well, you don’t need me to tell you how fast time flies, I am sure you already know. But I have experienced it for myself and WOW, it seems like just yesterday we brought the tiny guy home from the hospital and now I am about to put his newborn clothes into storage which will soon be followed by his 0-3 month clothes.

It makes me sad that time goes by so fast, but the new things he has been doing are so exciting! He “talks” so much more now and every noise he makes, makes me laugh. He smiles more and more every day! My mom got the first social smile out of him a couple weeks ago and boy was she excited! I was so excited for her and not at all jealous *wink wink.* He has the most handsome smile that I think will show lots of teeth once he has some!

When I think back on the past 2 months, it is honestly a blur. I haven’t had a full night’s rest yet, so the days and nights bleed into one another! In the beginning, I didn’t even consider nighttime as time for bed. He cluster fed and I was up at night feeding him just as often as I was during the day. The only difference between night and day was where I napped – if I did any napping at all!

During the first week of bringing Morgan home, we had some rough nights. The one that sticks out the most was the second night home when he screamed and cried for 2.5 hours straight! We didn’t get him to sleep until 2am. We tried everything to get him to stop. I thought, “Oh boy, he’s a colicky baby!” We assumed he was screaming because of gas pains and the Mylicon was not working. I even called a nurse hotline because I thought something HAD to be wrong! My sister had told me about a day where her newborn cried and cried and they couldn’t figure out why, and she said she used a “Windi” on him to relieve his gas and it worked wonders. Well, I should have taken her advice when she told me they were a “must have” because there we were at 1am, without anything left to try, and I wished so bad we had those gas passers. Brett took off to buy some at Walmart and we had never been so disappointed in our lives as we were when Brett pulled up to Walmart and it was closed. Eventually the Mylicon and some more milk calmed him and we were all able to sleep a little, but that night I swore I would never again be caught unprepared like that! Brett’s sister brought some Windis to us the very next day, and the nursery dresser has been stocked with them ever since!

Slowly but surely, our nights (and days) have gotten better. He has not slept through the night yet, but he typically only wakes up once a night around 3am, so I can’t complain about that! Some evenings it seems he has a “witching hour” from about 6-10, but that window is growing smaller lately and evenings have become a little less dramatic. To establish a bedtime routine, we give him a bath every night now and I look forward to it every day. He loves taking a bath and I love giving him one!

Brett and I are proud of ourselves for the things we have experienced both with and without Morgan during his first few months of life. We take the time to go out on dates still because time together as husband and wife is so important to us. Having a full cup as husband and wife means we have a full cup as mama and daddy to give to our baby! It is important to us that Morgan experiences traveling and being in different places as well as socializing with others. We took him on a trip to Lake of the Ozarks with my family when he was 5 weeks old and not long after that, we spent a weekend at our place at Pomme de Terre Lake for the fourth of July with some of Brett’s family. We also took him fishing not long ago! We are so glad that he loves to be outside and hope that he wants to spend a lot of his childhood (and beyond) playing outside like we did when we were kids. Soon we are going on a week-long trip to Colorado and we are so ready to share this vacation with him!

Morgan had his 2-month checkup a little earlier than 2 months, so I am sure his stats have changed by now – they grow so fast! He weighed 11.5 pounds and was almost 23 inches long. His pediatrician said he is growing perfectly! We think he is going to have a long body like his mama and long legs like his daddy. He should be fairly tall, judging by our heights. His eyes are changing from that dark blue that newborns have to a lighter color, so we expect him to have blue eyes like me! Morgan looks so much like his dad, other than his eyes and toes! My mom thinks he will learn to walk early with how much he kicks his legs. We knew he would be quite the kicker with how much he moved around inside me! He is also super strong – the night he was born, he was already lifting his head and his neck strength still impresses us. #tummytimerockstar

During that checkup, he got his immunizations. I had been dreading them for a while because I knew he would be in pain and it is so not fun to see your baby in pain. He was so brave, though, and I had more tears than he did! I am tearing up just thinking about the 10 seconds he cried – ugh, hormones!

We know Morgan is growing like a weed but sometimes it’s hard to really notice it when you are with him every day. A couple weeks ago, we saw a newborn that was only a week or two old, and Morgan looked like a giant! So at that moment, it REALLY hit me how fast he is growing. Here in a couple days we will see our nephew, Dawson, who is 10 weeks older than Morgan, and Morgan will look teeny!

Recently, I looked into sleep training Morgan, but after a day of trying to keep him on a schedule and it backfiring, I learned that just going with the flow works best for him at this point. Typically, he wakes up between 7 & 8 and I try to put him down for a nap sometime in the morning and sometime in the afternoon. Sometimes he takes several short naps, and that’s okay. We start getting him ready for bed around 8:45-9:00 and usually we can get him to sleep around 10:00-10:30. We used to try to get him to sleep much earlier but he refused, so we just went with it! We have started giving him a bath every night so that he starts to recognize when it’s time to go to sleep for the night. On a good night, which is most nights, he wakes up to eat around 3am. It used to take about 2 hours to get him back to sleep (ugh) but now I am able to get him fed, changed, and back to sleep in about 30 minutes!

I don’t want to wish time away, but I am so excited to see his personality shine through in the next couple months. If his personaility is as much like his father’s as his looks are, he will be kind, fun, ornery, and CHARMING!

Here are some snapshots from the past 2 months!

About The Author

Paige Houchen

Sharing about life, love, home, & everything in between – and taking far too many pictures of it all!